(NOTE: This format is mandatory; any deviation from standard format will be rejected)
Length - No more than 4 pages / Font - Times New Roman / Font Size - 12
Include the following items:
Contact Information:
Work: Address, DSN & Commercial Phone, Fax, and E-mail (required)
Experience/Work History:
If Supervisor, what level, number of employees supervisedName
Dates, name of supervisor, agency/company, location, responsiblities/achievements
School(s) (name and location)
Degree earned, graduation date
Major field of study for each undergraduate and graduate degree
Non-degree studies:
School, location, major field of study, undergraduate/graduate credit hours earned
If in progress, include projected date of completion
Professional Military Education:
School/In-Residence or Distance Learning/Year Completed
If in progress include projected date of completion
Professional Certifications/Licenses (Level):
i.e., acquisition, computer
Defense/Government Sponsored Training (to include leadership training):
Course title, school, date (include sponsoring institution, e.g., Defense Systems
College, Information Resources Management College, NDU, FEI, OPM or MDC)
Awards and year attained, skills, i.e., languages; publications; clearances
Professional memberships, community service, hobbies